REBEL YELL 现代高输出双线圈拾音器 试听
Rebel Yell 拾音器是 Billy Idol 吉他手 Steve Stevens 的签名款拾音器,他想要附有冲击力的金属音色,但在降低音量时音色也可以很清晰。
“Rebel Yell 双线圈拾音器以一种我从未在其他拾音器中听到的均匀谐波和丰富的咆哮声。它充满了清晰的低频和完美的音头拾取。Rebel Yell完全属于革命性的拾音器——它是真正的利器!”
——Steve Stevens
当Steve第一次来到 Bare Knuckle 时,他坚信他想要的标志性拾音器不仅仅是“另一种金属拾音器”。他们必须有更多的表现力。当Steve在Billy Idol巡回演出时,这开始了一年的研发和测试旅程。Steve的五把Les Pauls 被用作实验用琴,Steve还花了很多时间精力测试拾音器。这些长时间和现场巡演的实地测试,使得Rebel Yell 双线圈拾音器达到了极高品质。
更紧密的 43 AWG 普通漆包线偏置线圈保留了高输出 Nailbomb 那样的中音冲击力,但产生更紧密的低音响应,高音更干净,更有存在感。这为拾音器提供了具有强烈冲击力的有机声音,非常适合任何想要拥有丰富泛音和宽拾音动态的渐进式双线圈拾音器的演奏者。 Steve 在演奏时经常使用他的音量电位器,因此 Rebel Yell 在降低音量时清晰度非常重要,此外还能够用力推动电子管放大器以实现完全饱和的过载。
Rebel Yell在外壳上可以选择独有的Ray Gun(激光枪)图案
适应的风格 Applications
Hard Rock, Garage, Punk, Progressive Rock, Fusion, Shred and ’80s Metal.
适应的吉他参数 Suitability
Any solid body guitar particularly single cut/glued neck guitars.
输出规格 Specification
Position: Bridge
DC Resistance: 14.4 kΩ
Magnet: Alnico 5
Position: Neck
DC Resistance: 8.1 kΩ
Magnet: Alnico 5
频率响应 Frequency Response
The Rebel Yell pickup was created with Billy Idol guitarist Steve Stevens, who wanted metal and impact but with a tone that cleans up well when backing off the volume.
“The Rebel Yell just growls with an even harmonic richness that I never hear in other pickups. It’s so full of clear bottom and perfect pick attack. These pickups are in a whole other league – they’re the real deal!”
Steve Stevens.
When Steve first came to Bare Knuckle he was adamant that the signature pickups he wanted were not just ‘another metal pickup’. They had to be capable of a whole lot more. This kicked off a year of development and road testing while Steve was on a Billy Idol tour. Five of Steve’s Les Pauls were used as the vehicles for the design, and Steve also spent many hours in the studio testing the pickups. This extensive testing culminated in the Rebel Yell humbucker signature set.
Closer offset coils of 43 AWG plain enamel wire retain the mid range punch of the hotter Nailbomb but produce a tighter bass response with cleaner highs and more presence. This gives the pickup an organic voice with plenty of impact, perfect for any player wanting a progressive humbucker rich in harmonic overtones and wide pick dynamics. Steve uses his volume pot a lot when he plays, so it was important that the Rebel Yell cleans up well when backing off the volume, on top of being able to push a tube amp hard for a fully saturated overdrive.
The optional custom Ray Gun graphic on the cover adds a further unique touch to an already classic sounding humbucker.
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